Thursday, September 17, 2009

37 Weeks Down, 3 Weeks to go!

Well, we had our last ultrasound today. Everything looks PERFECT. Baby Stabler is head down and ready to make its debut here in a few weeks. The ultrasound was amazing, it looks just like a little baby in there! We got to see it open and close its eyes and smile and what looked like grunting. Haha! I think it looks alot like Stan but I still don't know if I think its a boy or a girl.
At my doctors appointment she told me I was about a fingertip dilated and 50% effaced. Not sure what all that means but I guess it means there has been some progress.
See pictures and video below!

1 comment:

Angela said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! It gives me chills watching the 3D ultrasound! He/she is BEAUTIFUL, but I am with you...can't tell if the baby is a boy or girl. Can't wait to see the out of belly pics!