Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well, I'm back to work as of yesterday and its been WAY to long since I've blogged. Obviously lots has happened since my last post but the biggest event: we welcomed baby Colt Malachi Stabler into the world on October 9th and have been loving on him ever since. I'm going to skip over most of the last few months because some of you I know have been keeping up with our family website: http://www.thestablers.net/ and have seen our precious man growing. However, yesterday started a new chapter in our lives - DAYCARE. First of all, I bawled like a baby a month ago when I took them a check and reserved his spot. Secondly, yesterday was a disaster but went better than I expected. I dropped him off with Mrs. Ruby and he just giggled and laughed at her so I felt much better until she started to ask me questions like "how often does he usually eat" and such. Seemed like simple enough questions but right then and there I realized i was leaving my baby that i had spent over 12 weeks with with a total stranger. I broke down in tears. Tears were pretty constant until about 9:30am at work. Once I got settled in I actually really enjoyed my day back in the office. It almost seemed like a BREAK which sounds terrible I know. Anyway, here are just a few pictures from Christmas-time but as always you can see a zillion pictures on our family website.

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